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Cairns Convention Centre renews its gold standard

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Cairns Convention Centre renews its gold standard
Cairns Convention Centre has renewed its gold quality standard with the International Association of Convention Centres (AIPC).

The recently expanded convention centre in tropical North Queensland completed an internal audit to achieve its certification with the AIPC Quality Standards at the highest level – gold.

The audit looks at 10 areas – from customer service and employee relations, to the quality of facilities and operations, health, security, environmental responsibility, financial integrity and supplier relations.

“The AIPC Quality Standards program was developed as an industry-specific certification for confirming and documenting a centre’s accomplishments in key areas of convention centre performance, and is the only such specifically purposed form of certification in the industry,” said AIPC president Greg O’Dell.

“The…program is a valuable way for managers to ensure they are delivering quality – a form of documentation that serves many purposes, including the reassurance of clients.”

The Cairns venue first achieved gold level certification with AIPC in 2011 and has held it ever since. The centre has also won AIPC’s Apex Award – often called the best convention centre in the world award – twice.

“Cairns Convention Centre’s internal audit score qualifies for certification at the Gold level,” said Rick Knowlan, president of Knowlan Consulting Group in Canada, who is the external auditor for the AIPC program.

“This was a very high-quality submission fully deserving of a ‘Gold’ certification even with the AIPC’s stringent scoring requirement.”

Currently 18 other convention centres around the world are certified at the gold level in the AIPC Quality Standards program.