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The one simple thing you can do to increase connection at events

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Warwick Merry: The one simple thing you can do to increase connection at events
When talking with event organisers, the recurring comment is: “We would prefer to do face to face than virtual. Our delegates really want to simply connect with each other.”

When delegates arrive, they get their name tag and it has a mix of different information on it, including their name. And it seems that their name is in the second smallest font possible.

So often you see delegates bending over, squinting as they try and read name tags.

The number one word in the world that people seem to love the most, react to the most and respond to the most is their name. Yet it can be the hardest word to see on their name badge.

It is such an important word to our delegates. Spell it wrong and you will know about it. Pronounce it wrong and they will help you say it better. It is the one word that identifies them, comforts them and belongs to them.

So why don’t we make it massive, front and centre?

Having a name tag where the delegate’s name stands out, is easy to read and represents them is one of the simplest things you can do to aid connection at events. In terms of name tags representing each delegate: they can put a phonetic spelling under it, have an icon that represents them or even the opportunity to use some coloured pens to personalise it.

It is amazing to see what people do, or happily ask others to do, to help personalise their name tag. Now with increased use of pronouns and community identifiers, our delegates can show who they are and truly connect.

For your next event, the easiest thing to do is make each delegate’s first name MASSIVE on the name tag. Let it stand out. If you can, allow them to personalise it and have it truly reflect who they are. This will get far more connections at your event while increasing your delegates’ comfort.

Why wouldn’t you?

Warwick Merry is a global award-winning event host and event evangelist. For 25 years he has been hosting and producing online, hybrid and in-person events. He is the host of the Making Events Awesome livestream and Making Events Awesome group.