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The essential factor in event success that is often overlooked

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Warwick Merry: The essential factor in event success that is often overlooked
When planning an event, many factors contribute to its success, but one element stands out as a key player: catering.

The quality of food and beverage service can significantly influence guests’ experiences and perceptions of the event. It might not make your event massively successful but if you get it wrong, it can make it a disaster!

The importance of catering

As an event evangelist, I’ve seen firsthand how catering can make or break an event. Feedback from attendees often shows catering is a critical point of discussion and it’s the aspect that can overshadow even the most meticulously planned agendas. If the food is subpar, guests are likely to focus their conversations around it, detracting from the intended purpose of the event.

For instance, I recall an event I attended where the welcome dinner was expertly curated, featuring delightful local flavours that left a lasting impression. In contrast, another event I attended had lacklustre catering that became the talk of the attendees for all the wrong reasons.

Tips for great catering

Choose quality over quantity: It’s essential to ensure that the catering is not only abundant but also of high quality. Guests appreciate thoughtful, delicious meals that reflect the theme of the event.

Surprise and delight: For smaller gatherings, consider offering unique food options like scones with jam and cream during afternoon tea. These unexpected touches can elevate the overall experience and create memorable moments.

Accommodate dietary needs: Today’s events require attention to dietary requirements or restrictions. Offering a variety of options ensures that everyone feels included and valued. Gluten-free and vegan choices should be delicious and plentiful, not an afterthought.

Engage sponsors: When organising a welcome or gala dinner, involving sponsors can enhance the catering experience. Sponsors can provide funds for quality food, creating a win-win situation where they gain visibility and attendees enjoy a fantastic meal.

Coffee matters: Don’t overlook the importance of beverages. Good coffee can be a game-changer. However it can also cause an issue with queuing for the coffee so consider having your baristas pre-load espresso shots prior to the breaks to help manage long queues.

Learning from experience

One event I attended featured a creative take on catering – finger foods served without traditional crockery. This setup included delicious lamb cutlets and fresh seafood, which not only tasted great but also encouraged mingling among attendees. The organisers understood that a well-thought-out catering plan could enhance networking opportunities.

Conversely, I’ve encountered events where the coffee was subpar, leading to disappointment among attendees. In Australia, sponsors are increasingly competing for the limited opportunity to have their brands on the coffee carts. Not only because great coffee is important, but the coffee carts become a great place to have the sponsor conversation as people are waiting.

While catering alone won’t determine the success of an event, neglecting it can certainly lead to negative feedback. To avoid having catering become the focal point for criticism, concentrate on providing quality food and accommodating diverse needs. By prioritising catering, you enhance the overall experience, allowing the core purpose of your event – whether it be networking, learning or celebration – to shine through.

A little investment in quality catering can yield significant returns in attendee satisfaction and engagement.

Warwick Merry is a global award-winning event host and event evangelist. For 25 years he has been hosting and producing online, hybrid and in-person events.

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