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BEIA’s mentor program kicks off

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BEIA’s mentor program to kick off
Business Events Industry Aotearoa’s (BEIA) annual mentor program will take 19 mentor-mentee pairings on a professional development journey over the next eight months.

There will be an online event to start the program for the 11th year this Wednesday.

“Over the past decade we have seen the positive impact BE Mentored has had for mentees on developing their careers, building valuable relationships and broadening their experience within the business events industry,” said BEIA chief executive, Lisa Hopkins.

“Our mentees receive a personal support system to help both professionally and personally, while our mentors have the chance to share and demonstrate their knowledge, experience and personal skills.”

Between now and November, each pair will meet between six and eight times to share and learn.

In 2024, the program will be sponsored by the forthcoming New Zealand International Convention Centre (NZICC) for the first time. The much-anticipated Auckland convention centre is expected to open next year.

“As a team, NZICC is passionate about championing emerging talent, and this represents an opportunity for us to give back to the business events community by supporting our next generation of leaders,” said NZICC general manager, Prue Daly.

For the Australian business events industry, mentor and leadership programs are run by Meetings and Events Australia (MEA) and the Australian Business Events Association (ABEA).

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