The guidelines are universally available to anyone in the industry via the resources section of the Net Zero Carbon Events website.
Separate guidance is provided for six separate areas of the industry: venue energy, smart production and waste management, logistics, travel and accommodation, food and food waste, offsetting and measurement.
“These documents, vital to the development of an industry-wide standard pathway towards net zero carbon events, represent the largest, most inclusive collaboration across the events industry ever achieved, with the Net Zero Carbon Events initiative being supported and endorsed by UNFCCC [United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change],” said James Rees, president of the Joint Meetings Industry Council (JMIC).
The JMIC is leading the Net Zero Carbon Events movement on behalf of the global industry. Members of the JMIC include the International Association of Convention Centres (AIPC), the International Association of Professional Congress Organizers (IAPCO), International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) and UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry.
“This achievement is the result of the hard work of over 100 industry volunteers whose support, added together, represents many years of working time to develop, critique and finalise these guidance documents to be used in practice and improve upon over time as NZCE evolves,” said Rees.
The documents are a comprehensive representation of current best practice in sustainability.
With the guidance now published, Net Zero Carbon Events will now shift to helping those who have signed the Net Zero Carbon Events pledge and those who have committed their support, in implementing best practice processes and solutions to reach net zero.
To do this, the organisation will structure its work around three central pillars – measurement, reporting and verification as the first, activation and adaptation as the second and communication and education as the final pillar.