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Brain cancer support charity offering up event speakers

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Conference speaker at an event
Peace of Mind Foundation has launched a program offering fee-free speakers to business events, speaking on themes including courage, leadership and facing adversity.

The foundation supports those impacted by brain cancer, after its founders had a family member die of the disease in her early thirties.

The Conference Speakers for a Cause initiative has former Melbourne Convention Bureau chief executive Karen Bolinger as an ambassador and potential speaker.

Speakers – each of whom have a personal connection to the cause – and often combine their professional learnings with their personal ones. Available speakers come from sporting, media, health and other backgrounds and can speak on topics including resilience, team building, stakeholder engagement, impact and legacy creation and community engagement, as well as sharing their inspiring stories.

“Peace of Mind Foundation’s Conference Speakers for a Cause program is a wonderful initiative to enhance your next event or conference program with a compelling and inspiring speaker, while at the same time inviting delegates to give back to a charity doing so much to help those diagnosed with brain cancer,” said Bolinger.

“Families faced with a brain cancer diagnosis need help navigating the complex road to treatment, financial help and practical assistance and this organisation is the only one of its kind in Australia to provide this help,”

Founder and CEO of Peace of Mind Foundation, Rebecca Mallett acknowledged business events had a major impact on cancer and causes like theirs.

“Business events contribute so much to our broader community, not only through their economic contribution but their ability to foster impactful outcomes in research, medical break throughs and social impact,” said Mallett.

“I also know how incredibly generous delegates are in supporting worthwhile causes and we’re looking forward to engaging with conference hosts to raising awareness and support of an organisation making a difference to so many.”

Interested organisers should contact the foundation if they would like to engage a speaker through the program. There are limited places available.